Articulation Disorders

At MPTC, our expert, caring therapists will work with your child to improve speech sounds (articulation). Have you noticed that sometimes you or others cannot readily understand what your child is saying?
The first step is to bring your child in so we can complete our in-depth assessment. Our evaluation will uncover what is causing your child to have difficulties with making the sounds of speech (articulation). Many times articulation issues are a result of difficulty with breathing, voice, or mouth movements.
Whether the articulation issues arise from physical disabilities such as cleft palate, tongue tie, or delays in development, our plan will put your child on the path to improve as much as possible.
Contact us so we can discuss how we can best help your child. You can call us at (763) 595-0812 or email us at info@minnetonkatherapy.com to schedule an appointment today.

At MPTC, our expert, caring therapists will work with your child to improve speech sounds (articulation). Have you noticed that sometimes you or others cannot readily understand what your child is saying?
The first step is to bring your child in so we can complete our in-depth assessment. Our evaluation will uncover what is causing your child to have difficulties with making the sounds of speech (articulation). Many times articulation issues are a result of difficulty with breathing, voice, or mouth movements.
Whether the articulation issues arise from physical disabilities such as cleft palate, tongue tie, or delays in development, our plan will put your child on the path to improve as much as possible.
Contact us so we can discuss how we can best help your child. You can call us at (763) 595-0812 or email us at info@minnetonkatherapy.com to schedule an appointment today.